Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the difference between a broker and a "captive agent"?

    A captive agent works for only one insurance company. A broker represents the client.

  • What is the difference between Medicare supplement and MediGap?

    There is none, they are synonymous.

  • How much Long Term Care does my Medicare cover ?

    None, Medicare does not cover any custodial care.

  • What is the difference between Whole Life and Term insurance?

    Whole life is permanent and builds cash value. Term is for a specified number of years with the option to pay higher premiums at the end of the term to keep the policy active.

  • How can I participate in the growth of the market with no market risk?

    We have multiple options that have a specified minimum guaranteed rate of return.

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250 Marjorie Papen Dr., Magnolia, DE 19962